Certified Organic Beef
Grass Fed Organic Beef

We believe in the importance of grass fed beef. We believe that grass fed and finished organic beef is the best and healthiest choice for the environment, the animal and us. All of our grass fed beef is Certified organic and Certified Humane.
Our calves are born certified organic and are never given any antibiotics or growth hormones. From the start they are fed only certified organic grass, hay and alfalfa, which means a life-long diet of 100 percent organic grass. The organic certification ensures that the animals are only fed certified organic feed and are not given any antibiotics, growth hormones or animal by-products. There has been no herbicides or pesticides sprayed on our land for over 20 years(since 1992).

The cattle are raised using time controlled grazing methods. This method of raising cattle has many benefits. It allows the cattle to have access to the freshest grass every day. It allows the valuable manure that the animals leave to be spread out over the land. It also prevents the over grazing of the land which prevents erosion from wind and water. This method helps build topsoil by allowing manure and organic matter to be directly returned to the soil. These cattle lead a low stress life eating the green grass and drinking fresh water that is pumped to them daily from our dugouts. This protects sloughs and wetlands from the damage that cattle can do and also ensures that the cattle are receiving constant access to fresh clean water.

During the winter our cattle are given shelter with moveable wind breaks that allow us to naturally control the spread of manure. They are winter fed with only high quality, certified organic hay, certified non-GMO, and are supplemented with a few certified organic alfalfa pellets. Alfalfa pellets are made from fresh certified organic alfalfa that has been chopped, dried and compressed into a pelleted form. It is an excellent source of feed for the cattle in the winter providing extra energy that allows them to thrive during the colder weather.

The cattle are processed at a small government inspected family run butcher facility one hour away from our farm. After chilling and dry ageing, the beef is brought back to our Certified Organic and government inspected butcher shop here on the farm. There it is cut by us into choice cuts of beef that are then vacuum packed to ensure the freshest meat.

Our cattle are Certified Humane and never in a feedlot. They live a low stress life and are processed in as low stress of an environment as possible. The Certified Humane program annually inspects our cattle to ensure that they meet their strict standards. Our cattle are annually inspected to ensure we are meeting and exceeding the Canadian organic standards. They are only fed certified organic grass and certified organic minerals and salt. We believe that this method of raising beef cattle improves the environment and has positive health benefits for both the cattle and us. We know that this will be the healthiest and best tasting beef that you have ever had.
For more information on why grass fed is better for the planet, animal and us, please visit eatwild.com